Hello! Finally found some time to give a fast paint job on the Descent rubble markers. So here´s the pics of what I´ve done so far...
I mixed some black and white Amsterdam acrylics to make a dark grey base coat. Paint was pretty thick, so it covered nicely with the first layer.
I painted the skulls with Kommando Khaki, and then washed everything with Devlan Mud.
And here they are with the high lights and some "dead grass" on them. First I dry brushed the stone with Amsterdam acrylics, adding white to the original mix. Then I high lighted first with Codex Grey, and finally with Astronomican Grey. Skulls were dry brushed with Kommando Khaki again, then high lighed with Bleached Bone. Finally I glued some Citadel dead grass and Army Painters grass on them.
I´m not sure if I should leave the base stone colored, or will I paint them to blend in to Descent dungeon floor... Oh, and the spiders are still missing :) Bye now!
My painted miniatures over the years. Mostly Warhammer Fantasy Battle. Also Warhammer 40 000 and Blood Bowl. I also sometimes convert miniatures and try to create some scenery for the battle field.
25 Oct 2011
23 Oct 2011
Descent Scenery WIP
Hi! I was surfing on the waves of the internet in search of some Descent Liutenant minis... as I discovered (again) many really impressive 3D dungeons and accessories, like the ones in the Dwarven Forge. I´ve been thinking for a long time, how cool would it be to run a Descent or RPG session (Rune Quest or D&D) in 3D dungeon. I´t really gives the feeling of "being there" for the players... I guess the only thing that´s been stopping me from ordering is the depressingly high prices of the products :(
Well... Broke as I am, I started to think that maybe I don´t have to go all 3D. The Descent floor tiles, props and obstacle markers are actually really good looking. So maybe I could just add some small 3D elements to it, to create more "realistic" dungeon. And this would cost me only time... Wich I don´t have either :) Anyways... I decided to start with the "Rubble 3D markers".
Here´s some materials that I found from the hobby cupboard. Some urethane, WH Goblin shield sprues, cavalry and monster bases (made of plywood), and some little nasty spiders (must be WHFB related, don´t really remember where I got those).
And here´s what I got out of that stuff so far... Just some rough sculpting to the urethane, glued some shield bits and sand on them. The pile of skulls is from Army Painter range. And those nasty spiders will be added after I find some time to paint these :) Bye now!
Well... Broke as I am, I started to think that maybe I don´t have to go all 3D. The Descent floor tiles, props and obstacle markers are actually really good looking. So maybe I could just add some small 3D elements to it, to create more "realistic" dungeon. And this would cost me only time... Wich I don´t have either :) Anyways... I decided to start with the "Rubble 3D markers".
Here´s some materials that I found from the hobby cupboard. Some urethane, WH Goblin shield sprues, cavalry and monster bases (made of plywood), and some little nasty spiders (must be WHFB related, don´t really remember where I got those).
And here´s what I got out of that stuff so far... Just some rough sculpting to the urethane, glued some shield bits and sand on them. The pile of skulls is from Army Painter range. And those nasty spiders will be added after I find some time to paint these :) Bye now!
20 Oct 2011
Descent Miniatures: Nagas painted
These slithering babys have been ready for a while. Just couldn´t find the time to post anything. But here they are now... Nothing special to add to the last posting, where I went through the painting technique (truly simple indeed!). Big base didn´t look so cool as the smaller ones with just the floor tiles painted on it... They needed something more. So I added some sand and grass to them, to give some feeling.
Now I´ve got 30 Descent minis painted. Still a long (loooong) way to get to the last one. But I believe I can make it at some point, for there is an actual goal in the horizon... It´s considerably harder to imagine my dear Warhammer 40K and FB armies to ever be finished. Actually, I never want them to be. So many ideas to carry out... ;) Bye now!
9 Oct 2011
Descent Miniatures: First Naga painted
I decided to paint the Nagas this time. The first one is finished, and two others on their way. Here´s what I´ve done so far...
I sprayed the minis with Army Painters Wolf Grey.
Wash was then made with two layers of Badab Black.
Then quite fast dry brushing all over the mini with Shadow Grey. Two additional dry brush layers was then made with adding some Skull White to the Shadow Grey. Allways leaving previous layer to show a bit. I added some high lighting to the face after the dry brush to make it show out more from the rest of the mini. Some white dots was finally added to make some "shining" spots. This was all very fast to do... with basically one color :)
Here´s the Naga from diferent angles... I´ll be back with the other two later. Bye now!
I sprayed the minis with Army Painters Wolf Grey.
Wash was then made with two layers of Badab Black.
Here´s the Naga from diferent angles... I´ll be back with the other two later. Bye now!
4 Oct 2011
Descent Miniatures: Skeleton bases done
Finally got the Skeletons done... Now I can pick up a new group to the painting table. I´m thinkin Nagas... or maybe the Hell Hounds. Anyways, here´s few pics.
Dungeon floor bases are easy to paint... but in larger patches it takes time to finish them (and it gets little boring) I could paint the tiles little bigger... as they actually are in Descent dungeon map pieces.
Here´s what I´ve done so far in the Descent field. 27 minis painted... not that much if you´re aware that there´s 108 plastic monsters and 32 heroes all together (Basic game box and two expansions). Lot of Floor tiles there to paint... :D
"Ok guys, heres the plan... Ker, you open the door! Steelhorns will bash in with the axe and I´ll ready a spell, and Mok will show some light with the lantern. Allrighty..? On count of three, 1...2.."
Dungeon floor bases are easy to paint... but in larger patches it takes time to finish them (and it gets little boring) I could paint the tiles little bigger... as they actually are in Descent dungeon map pieces.
2 Oct 2011
Descent Miniatures: Dungeon Floor Bases
Last night I was going to base the Descent Skeletons and the Sorcerers... But only got the other group done, before it was time to get some shut eye... ZzzzZ...ZzzzZ... with brush still in my hand. Here´s few pics of how I paint the dungeon floor bases.
First I painted two layers of Graveyard Earth on the bases.
Then I painted some stone patterns using four different colors... Codex Grey, Astronomican Grey, Tausept Ochre and Commando Khaki, leaving a little gap of Graveyard Earth showing between the stones.
Thick layer of Devlan Mud wash...
Then I made fast high lights to some edges of the stones, using the original stone colors. It gives the floor a little bit of dimension... Finally I painted the edges of the Master Sorcerers with Blood Red. There you have it :) I´ll post the Skeleton Crew pics when I get the bases done. Bye!
First I painted two layers of Graveyard Earth on the bases.
Then I painted some stone patterns using four different colors... Codex Grey, Astronomican Grey, Tausept Ochre and Commando Khaki, leaving a little gap of Graveyard Earth showing between the stones.
Thick layer of Devlan Mud wash...
Then I made fast high lights to some edges of the stones, using the original stone colors. It gives the floor a little bit of dimension... Finally I painted the edges of the Master Sorcerers with Blood Red. There you have it :) I´ll post the Skeleton Crew pics when I get the bases done. Bye!
1 Oct 2011
Descent Miniatures: Sorcerers painted
Here´s few more WIP-pics of the Descent Sorcerers. The bases are still missing paint job, but I think tomorrow´s gonna be a hard core basing day for me... I´m trying to do the Skeletons and the Sorcerers all done. I busted my ribs at work earlier this week, so sitting in the painting chair is a bit of a challenge now... so we´ll see how it goes :)
Here I have painted the skin with Dwarf Flesh, the skull ("To be, or not to be"..?) and Sorcerers beard with kommando Khaki.
Then I washed them with Ogryn Flesh...
I high lighted the skin parts with Dwarf Flesh again, and the second layer with 2:1 Dwarf Flesh and Skull White. Skull and beard were first high lighted with Bleached Bone and second with little dots of pure skull white.
Finally I high lighted the Grey parts with Codex Grey again, and second layer with Astronomican Grey. The boots were done with thin stripes of Codex Grey. Sorcerers staff was high lighted with Mithril Silver, and I painted the top of the staff golden. Little dots of white was painted on the eyes... and I think that´s it! Simple painting for simple minis... I´m quite happy with the result, and I think (hope) they bring some sinister mood to the next Descent session :)
I´ll be back with new pics when I get the bases done... hopefully tomorrow. Bye now!
Here I have painted the skin with Dwarf Flesh, the skull ("To be, or not to be"..?) and Sorcerers beard with kommando Khaki.
Then I washed them with Ogryn Flesh...
Finally I high lighted the Grey parts with Codex Grey again, and second layer with Astronomican Grey. The boots were done with thin stripes of Codex Grey. Sorcerers staff was high lighted with Mithril Silver, and I painted the top of the staff golden. Little dots of white was painted on the eyes... and I think that´s it! Simple painting for simple minis... I´m quite happy with the result, and I think (hope) they bring some sinister mood to the next Descent session :)
I´ll be back with new pics when I get the bases done... hopefully tomorrow. Bye now!