Hello! Just a quick update... We were playing another campaign map round of Blood in the Badlands (more of that later), and my friend brought me these sweet things, wich I purchased with a good price... The old Pump Wagon is one of my favourite minis of all time, and now I have three of them all together :) "Waaagh"! (yelled in high snotling voice)
These models had all the parts in the right places, and the original paint job is quite good... I´m gonna paint the metal parts, mushrooms and snotties again... and add some dark wash to make them similar with my old pump wagon... There´s ofcourse some basing to do, but that´ll be fun :) And maybe I´ll add some extra snotling population. Bye now!
My painted miniatures over the years. Mostly Warhammer Fantasy Battle. Also Warhammer 40 000 and Blood Bowl. I also sometimes convert miniatures and try to create some scenery for the battle field.
30 Dec 2012
26 Dec 2012
Catulus, 5th Company Chaplain
Hello there! My christmas present for myself was taking some painty time... after all the Christmas cleaning, cooking, eating, present wrapping and playing with my kids new toys... (mostly legos in my case:).
I´ve had this kit bashed Chaplain for a long time in my cupboard, and now I decided to make some final convertings at my Convershun Clinic and give it some paintjob...
Here´s what I started with. I think I´ve posted some earlier pics of this mini long time ago... but anyway, now I made few changes to it. I took off some bitz and added new ones. I took the bitz for the banner almost entirely from Dark Angels company veterans box. Head belongs to Chaos Marine I think, that was given laurel on top of it. I also made a new Crozius Arcanum, for the previous one looked abit lame... I like the way the Chaplain is holding his Storm Bolter in "gangsta style" :)
All righty... then some painting. Here are the base coat colors. Chaos Black for the armour, Leadbelcher for the metal parts, Red Gore for red parts, Ushapti Bone for whites, Tau Light Ochre for the ropes, and I mixed Burnished Gold with Bestial Brown for the golden parts.
Then some wahes... Gryphonne sepia for the whites, Devlan Mud for gold and red, and some Badab Black for the metal parts.
Finally the high lights.. Blood Red and Troll Slayer Orange for the red parts, Burnished Gold for the gold parts, Ushapti Bone and Ceramite White for whites, Runefang Steel for metal, and Dawnstone for black. There you have it basically...
Bye Now!
15 Dec 2012
Brother Ignis, 5th Company Dreadnought
Hi there! I´m happy that I finally got this painted. It´s an important addition to my Serpents of Hellfire Chapter. It´s been stareing at me for a long long time from the mini cupboard... making me feel guilty for not compliting the paint job. There was quite a bit of converting and building with the Assault Cannon, but it finally turned out ok... You can see how I made it from my earlier postings. Here´s some pics!
Serpents of Hellfire use the same company badges as Dark Angels, for they are a successor chapter, one of the Unforgiven.
The pics aren´t the best possible quality... sorry bout that. In Finland we don´t have much daylight at the moment... and my lighting skills sucks ass.
I added a Servo Skull to the Dread, and made some extra hoses from green stuff, for I wanted Brother Ignis to take a peek out from the sarcophagus...To get a better view of the enemies of the Emperor.
I had great plans for the base... some dead enemies laying on the ground, helmets, boltguns, skulls and crap... And in the heat of the "finishing up" I dropped them all and went with the basic cork, sand and turf. Also I had many ideas for painting some more details on the Dread, like writings, more flames, more battle damage, litanies of hate, and so on... but I had to stop it somewhere. If I am to add some of these ideas, I´ll be posting new pics :) Bye now!
PS: you´ll find the older postings here and here... Thank you!
Serpents of Hellfire use the same company badges as Dark Angels, for they are a successor chapter, one of the Unforgiven.
The pics aren´t the best possible quality... sorry bout that. In Finland we don´t have much daylight at the moment... and my lighting skills sucks ass.
I added a Servo Skull to the Dread, and made some extra hoses from green stuff, for I wanted Brother Ignis to take a peek out from the sarcophagus...To get a better view of the enemies of the Emperor.
I had great plans for the base... some dead enemies laying on the ground, helmets, boltguns, skulls and crap... And in the heat of the "finishing up" I dropped them all and went with the basic cork, sand and turf. Also I had many ideas for painting some more details on the Dread, like writings, more flames, more battle damage, litanies of hate, and so on... but I had to stop it somewhere. If I am to add some of these ideas, I´ll be posting new pics :) Bye now!
PS: you´ll find the older postings here and here... Thank you!
10 Dec 2012
Back in Black
Hello! I got another Black Orc of the first rank painted... And Here´s the pics.
The Musician... I got abit comical with the drum, but I think the whole result is pretty nice.
Here´s the first rank... Still two to go. I´m really excited to paint the Unit Champ. I made a little convertion with the Champ´s head. It´s from one of the Black Orc Banners... as you can see. The huge helmet looks funny and scary at the same time :) But how the hell is he gonna swing those Choppas´s..?
The Musician... I got abit comical with the drum, but I think the whole result is pretty nice.
Here´s the first rank... Still two to go. I´m really excited to paint the Unit Champ. I made a little convertion with the Champ´s head. It´s from one of the Black Orc Banners... as you can see. The huge helmet looks funny and scary at the same time :) But how the hell is he gonna swing those Choppas´s..?
4 Dec 2012
40K Medusa Chapter
No, I´m not starting another Space Marine chapter... still trying to get the old chapter to 1500pts painted. I was just practising to paint with blue. I found some left over marines from my "Space Marine Project", that had Army Painters primer of Ultra Marine Blue sprayed on, and started fooling around with that...
I just high lighted the marine with "Ice Blue" and gave it a wash of Asurmen Blue. Then I high lighted the edges with Ice Blue again, leaving the previous layer show abit...
Really simple palette, and easy to paint.
The contrast is quite high with the high lightings... so in natural light this looks more like a character from Tron movies, rather than Space Marine :) but still, I think it´s pretty nice color theme... It was fast and fun, but I guess I wont be painting more of these. Bye now!
28 Nov 2012
Black Orc Standard Bearer
Here´s the third one of the black orcs... The Standard Bearer.
This was also painted pretty fast... I´d like to get something ready for the Blood In The Bad Lands campaign´s next season, rather than use hours for some details that no one will notice from the ranks of Orcs... Had to give some time for the standard and horns, but the rest of the mini was just base colors, heavy washes, and simple line high lights.
First three of the unit... All for one, and one for all :) Bye now!
24 Nov 2012
Another Black Orc
The first black orc was so much fun to paint, that I had to paint another, and put other projects aside... :)
Bye now!
Bye now!
21 Nov 2012
Black Orc Experiment
Hello! I´ve ran a little short of painty time recently, but got little something done anyways :) For a long time I´ve been eager to get my Fantasy Battle Black Orcs on the painting table... (got horde of them) and now I finally painted my first one. It was more of an experiment, planning the color palette of the unit. I´ve allways liked the red color theme on the Black Orcs armour, so I gave it a try...
I primed a punch of Blackies with red, and painted this one pretty fast to a "rank 'n file standard"... Details are rough and wash is heavy, but I kinda like the general result... I didn´t want to go to the details too deeply, but I gave some extra minutes with the horns and chipping. Painting a whole unit in this standard is not gonna take ages, if I get around to it... First I have to finnish the Descent Kobolds base project anyway :)
I primed a punch of Blackies with red, and painted this one pretty fast to a "rank 'n file standard"... Details are rough and wash is heavy, but I kinda like the general result... I didn´t want to go to the details too deeply, but I gave some extra minutes with the horns and chipping. Painting a whole unit in this standard is not gonna take ages, if I get around to it... First I have to finnish the Descent Kobolds base project anyway :)
9 Nov 2012
The Stuff of Legends
I accidentally ran in to this site (The Stuff of legends)... and wanted to share the fun! Might be old news for you, but I got really excited when I found this place. There´s loads of pics of old miniatures from different manufacturers, and most of them mention the sculptor too... Lots of old mysteries solved :D Like the old Snotling Pump Wagon (one of my favourite minis) was actually called Snotling Attack Cart and was designed by Kev Adams... and the Old Citadel catalogues brought up the tears of nostalgia to old hobbyists eyes. Now I need to hunt few of those old minis down. E-bay, here I come...
Klick the links above and enjoy... Bye now!
Klick the links above and enjoy... Bye now!
6 Nov 2012
Descent Kobolds bases WIP
Helloo..! Just a quick update on the Kobolds. Started the dungeon floor tile base project...
Good old Grave Yard Earth on the bases...
And... jumped ahead little bit here. This is the first finished one. But what I did was paint the stones with four different colors: Commado Khaki, Astronomican Gray, Tausept Ochre and Shadow gray. Then wash with Devlan Mud, and finally highlights with original colors to the edges of the stones... Edge of the base was painted black. Dungeon base is actually pretty fast to do... after you´ve done it few times. I´ll still be back with these, when I get the other fifteen done. Bye now!
Good old Grave Yard Earth on the bases...
And... jumped ahead little bit here. This is the first finished one. But what I did was paint the stones with four different colors: Commado Khaki, Astronomican Gray, Tausept Ochre and Shadow gray. Then wash with Devlan Mud, and finally highlights with original colors to the edges of the stones... Edge of the base was painted black. Dungeon base is actually pretty fast to do... after you´ve done it few times. I´ll still be back with these, when I get the other fifteen done. Bye now!
5 Nov 2012
Descent Kobolds WIP and Loads of Tokens
Kobolds are ready... It´s on with the bases now. A lot of dungeon floor tiles to paint :o I hope it´s not gonna take ages.
I decided to make another highlight with Goblin Green adding some white to the previous mix... Just little dots on the highest details. It really made a difference I think (and hope).
I had to take a picture of my really old Goblin Green too. It still works as if I bought it yesterday. I think it´s from late 90's or something... The paint has not dryed or got sticky. Later days Citadel paint pots were/are not the same. Havent bought any of the Citadels "new range" paints, but I assume they still dry up in a month... use it or not. :(
My wife found a really handy set of spoonbait boxes... Three Euros a piece from a local hardware store. Not a bad price I think. Finally I got some order to the hundreads of Descent tokens. Now they are easy to store and carry with me to the game session... and I believe It´s gonna speed up the game alot, not having to dive in a cardboard box full of tokens for a half an hour, and try to find that one "Hero Party Marker" to the Campaign Map, as happened last time.
And they stack up real nicely in small space. Allways inportant feature in miniature hobbyist´s apartment... says my Wife...
I decided to make another highlight with Goblin Green adding some white to the previous mix... Just little dots on the highest details. It really made a difference I think (and hope).
I had to take a picture of my really old Goblin Green too. It still works as if I bought it yesterday. I think it´s from late 90's or something... The paint has not dryed or got sticky. Later days Citadel paint pots were/are not the same. Havent bought any of the Citadels "new range" paints, but I assume they still dry up in a month... use it or not. :(
My wife found a really handy set of spoonbait boxes... Three Euros a piece from a local hardware store. Not a bad price I think. Finally I got some order to the hundreads of Descent tokens. Now they are easy to store and carry with me to the game session... and I believe It´s gonna speed up the game alot, not having to dive in a cardboard box full of tokens for a half an hour, and try to find that one "Hero Party Marker" to the Campaign Map, as happened last time.
And they stack up real nicely in small space. Allways inportant feature in miniature hobbyist´s apartment... says my Wife...
29 Oct 2012
Kobolds and Cave Trolls WIP
Hello! Got my painting table cleaned up after the renovating the apartment... It was full of weird stuff that doesn´t belong there. But now, after a long time, I finally got to paint something in a decent enviroment... It sure beats a sticky kitchen table!
Anyway... I got my hands on some Descent miniatures for a change, for we are gonna (hopefully) have a Descent "Road to Legend" session in a near future after a really long break. Well, here´s some pics...
I spray painted the Trolls with Army Painters "Wolf Grey", and the Kobolds with "Goblin Green".
Painted the cloth with Tausept Ochre, then washed whole mini with Devlan Mud...
Theres a first group of five ready. Fast high lights with Goblin Green, then another layer with adding little white to the previous... Eyes with little dots of Golden Yellow.
Kobolds backside... Mmmmm...
This picture is just for scale. The litlle buggers are really small... and I think the sculpting on these minis is just great! They paint up really nice considering the size.
Here´s artist´s vision of Descent Kobols from the rulebook... So that´s where I was aiming at with the color theme :) I´m quite happy! More to come... Bye now!
Anyway... I got my hands on some Descent miniatures for a change, for we are gonna (hopefully) have a Descent "Road to Legend" session in a near future after a really long break. Well, here´s some pics...
I spray painted the Trolls with Army Painters "Wolf Grey", and the Kobolds with "Goblin Green".
Painted the cloth with Tausept Ochre, then washed whole mini with Devlan Mud...
Theres a first group of five ready. Fast high lights with Goblin Green, then another layer with adding little white to the previous... Eyes with little dots of Golden Yellow.
Kobolds backside... Mmmmm...
This picture is just for scale. The litlle buggers are really small... and I think the sculpting on these minis is just great! They paint up really nice considering the size.
Here´s artist´s vision of Descent Kobols from the rulebook... So that´s where I was aiming at with the color theme :) I´m quite happy! More to come... Bye now!
23 Oct 2012
Found info about Techmarine...
Finally got some results, after enough googling :) Minis in my previous post seems to be Old Citadel 1988 Adeptus Mechanicus Miniatures... Here´s a link to more info and some amazing minis! Enjoy...
22 Oct 2012
Old Techmarine
Hello! I got a Techmarine and some Servitors from my friend a while ago... I tried to find some info about the Techmarine miniature from the internet, for I had never seen it before. Doesn´t mean it´s rare or anything, for I´ve hardly seen a fraction of the GW minis in my hobby time... But it was kind a weird that there was so little to be found about it.
It was really fun to paint. The sculpting was little rough at some details, but it painted up really nicely! So if you 40K veterans got some info about the mini... like the "edition" it belongs to, sculptor, or some links, I would be happy to be a wiser man :)
Here´s the servitors... That´s a Squat in the middle. How cool is that :D I hope I find some time to paint these soon. Bye now!
It was really fun to paint. The sculpting was little rough at some details, but it painted up really nicely! So if you 40K veterans got some info about the mini... like the "edition" it belongs to, sculptor, or some links, I would be happy to be a wiser man :)
Here´s the servitors... That´s a Squat in the middle. How cool is that :D I hope I find some time to paint these soon. Bye now!
17 Oct 2012
Miniatures for Rune Quest
Hello! Finally our apartment is ready... All rooms painted! Well, there´s still lots to do ... Moving furnitures and just general cleanup after renovateing. But I found some time to slap paint on two minis that´s been waiting for color in my cupboard. These are "Wargames Factory" and "Warlord Games" range minis that I´m going to use in my old Rune Quest RPG... I´m thinking of moving to "Rune Quest 6th edition" or brilliantly simple "Open Quest" system. But more of that later, here´s few pics.
Humakt initiate and Lunar Red Champion. The Humakti is still missing details, protective tattoos and final touch, but I think the Lunar is ready for service... of the Red Goddess.
I like that moon shaped shield... Suits the lunar theme :)
As you can see... colors were really slapped on with this one. But I like the result so far. And with some details it will be "ok standard" for a big battle.
Bye now!
Humakt initiate and Lunar Red Champion. The Humakti is still missing details, protective tattoos and final touch, but I think the Lunar is ready for service... of the Red Goddess.
I like that moon shaped shield... Suits the lunar theme :)
As you can see... colors were really slapped on with this one. But I like the result so far. And with some details it will be "ok standard" for a big battle.
Bye now!