So... I try to finnish this soon, with or without the plants. Bye now!
My painted miniatures over the years. Mostly Warhammer Fantasy Battle. Also Warhammer 40 000 and Blood Bowl. I also sometimes convert miniatures and try to create some scenery for the battle field.
18 Apr 2015
Ruins 3, WIP
Hello! I managed to have some progress with the temple ruins. I got the paint job done, and now I'm trying to compose some vine and roots on the ruins... Here's how it looks at the moment.
Plants are not glued or attached yet... It's hard to get them right. And I'm not sure if I use them at all, because I think the ruins look just fine without them.
So... I try to finnish this soon, with or without the plants. Bye now!
So... I try to finnish this soon, with or without the plants. Bye now!
6 Apr 2015
Making more Space inside my Miniature Cupboard
Hi there! I have conquered a cupboard from our livingroom for hobby use. I have stuff in other room and attic too... (normal situation for wargames gobbyist I guess). There's a very limited store room for my games and minis in livingroom cupboard, and I tried to expand the space for my painted minis, that are now mostly laying in boxes and getting damaged.
At the moment the upper shelves are taken for painted minis, but they are in chaos, and painted minis are stuffed on top of one another with no order. I decided there had to be a makeover of some kind.
And here's what I did...
I made a bunch of simple small shelves out of plywood... and attached them on top of the existing upper shelves.
Like this... A lot of new space for minis now. I got to save all those old painted minis from scrappy boxes.
Orcs and goblins on the left shelf... (well, few High Elves back there too)
And to the right one, I put all my painted 40K, Epic and Descent minis. Some dungeon props there too. Now it is easy to start playing, for I know where everything is. A new situation for me. Bye now!