Hello! Here's the first rank of the old Savages painted. It's a pleasure to give these old classics a new coat of paint...
These are gonna work as "Skulks" unit in my Kings of War army. Completely useless in game terms, but they're looking good :)
Some shield designs...
Crappy pics with my phone. Sorry bout that :(
More Savages soon. Bye now!
My painted miniatures over the years. Mostly Warhammer Fantasy Battle. Also Warhammer 40 000 and Blood Bowl. I also sometimes convert miniatures and try to create some scenery for the battle field.
9 Jun 2018
4 Jun 2018
Gludbug the Savage Orc 1987
Hello! I'm putting together a small unit of Savage Orcs for KoW, to be used as Skulks Troop. I have a punch of old 1987 Savages around and this "beauty" for a unit leader figure.
The base said "Gludbug" in bad handwriting... Not much to be found about this mini in the net. It might be made by Perry twins, as are most of the -87 Savages.
It took me some time to figure out all the details in the miniature. I found no pics of this mini painted to help me out even a bit. And I had to fix a shield for it, for all my old shields are M.I.A.
But it was worth a little effort, and I'm happy with the result. Next some other Savages... Bye now!