Inspired by the oncoming campaign I decided to get my Gobbo Horde back on the painting table...
and started working on "rank three".
Here´s what the horde looks like with only two ranks painted... Lots of special stuff in the front rank. There´s the Shaman, Standard Bearer, Champion, Battle Standard Bearer, some netters in action...
Allrighty then... Here´s a fast and simple walk through on how I painted the third rank.
Gobbos glued on the bases, cleaned and primed with Chaos Black. I did it with a brush, for I was too lazy to go in to the carage... where I could spray paint.
Firs color for the robes... about 1:1 of Enchanted Blue mixed with Chaos Black. I left some black areas show for deeper shadows.
I added some Skull White to the mix for the second layer and painted the raised areas on the robes.
Some more white in the previous mix... I painted the raised areas again, letting the previous layer to show abit.
Then I painted the base colors for the rest of the parts. Wooden parts with Bestial Brown, gobbo skin with Gretchin Green, shoes and ropes were painted with Tausept Ochre, metal parts with Boltgun Metal, and finally the teeth with Bleached Bone.
I washed the metal and wood parts with Badab Black. Gobbo skin, rope and shoes were washed with Devlan Mud.
Fast high lights were given with the base colors over the washes... and the eyes were made with little dots of Golden Yellow. And that´s it! All in one evenings job. Ofcourse there´s still some fanatic basing job coming up for the whole horde... But I dont want to think about it just yet :)
And here´s a happy group shot... Third rank barely showing at all :) But the horde looks better allready... I´ll be back with the rank four soon. Bye now!
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