My painted miniatures over the years. Mostly Warhammer Fantasy Battle. Also Warhammer 40 000 and Blood Bowl. I also sometimes convert miniatures and try to create some scenery for the battle field.
Here´s one more Humakti and Lunar soldier... Really fast job this time (in my terms). I think 45 minutes per mini. Lunar came out a bit crappy, I think, but I really like the Humakti. Colors are nice and paint job is fast but not too sloppy (as in the case of Lunar soldier :) Well... next time I should do better
Fast and furious from behind... Sorry bout bad quality pics :(
I have made some progress with my first rank Sword Masters... Unit Champ and bases are unfinished, but otherwise they are ready for battle. Ranks behind these fellows are going to be fast paint stuff... I might expand the first rank at some point, for I want to be able to try the new "horde rule"... It´s mean! With Sword Master skill and two attacks with 2h-weapon they will chop anything that comes in their way :o
I was cleaning my miniature cupboard few months ago... (Had to make some room for new minis). My wife says that I have too much of those "toy soldiers", so I had to mastermind some way to fit them in the cupboard or listen to nagging all day long...
Anyway... I found a few old dusty boxes from back of the upper shelf. My old Eldar Epic miniatures, still in a box... I remember playing Epic once in the early 90´s, and enjoying it alot. After that we somehow forgot the game, for we played alot of different things back then...
I got really excited of all this tiny stuff, and decided to find out how large army I could put together... (and so I forgot to clean up the cupboard)
I counted that with few extra purchases I could nicely have a 6500pts army according to the latest rulebook... I had easily over 10 War hosts of infantry, over 30 Falcons, lots of Bikes and Artillery... So I ordered a one more infantry War Host from GW and went shopping... from an old collector, who I new, was selling he´s stuff away with silly prices :)
I made some really good deals... with only 2 euro´s per blister. I had to make lot of "Counts as" research with these old minis, because the minis and their names had changed many times since 90´s.
During autumn I even had a little time to paint few of these tiny little things... here they are.
I decided to paint them on Biel Tan colors... a bit of a common choice, but I´ve always liked that color theme a lot.
With a little planning I found a nice way to paint them in a bearable time...
Close up of a Falcon...
Close up of infantry... I like that Biel Tan banner :)
Walkers are my favourite minis of Eldars...
If I only had more time..! It would be so cool to have whole army painted...
Hello everybody! It´s been a while since my last posting... Busy with the job and three kids :D Actually I´ve managed to do some painting at nights, when it´s nice and quiet... but haven´t got the energy to post anything... Now I decided to try and update my blog with the latest hobby pics. I have made some cool progress with Sword Masters and Dragon princes, and have fast painted some Squig Hoppers etc. But here´s another speed painting project that I started recently. It has been a good practice for me... My firs painted minis for Rune Quest (of many to come).
The Lunars on the left are actually Warlord Games Roman auxiliaries. Humakti on the right is from Field of Glory Celt warband regiment box (Look more pics from earlier posts).
Lunar armor have base coating of 1:1 Scorched Brown and shining gold. Red Gore on the clothing and shields. Scorched Brown on the leather and wooden parts. Skin color with Vajello 332... Then heavy wash over whole mini with Devlan Mud. High lights with Shining Gold on the bronze parts, Blood Red on the clothes and shield, and finally for the wood and leather parts 1:1 Scorched Brown and some Vallejo 332.
Humakti fellow was painted with almost the same colors as lunars... except for the blue pants. For those I used Enchanted Blue base coat, wash with the same Devlan Mud as the rest of the mini... The gray pattern on the pants with Astronomican Gray... and that´s it.
It took me less than hour per mini to finish. In my standards that´s really fast :) I like the results, and planning to paint some more in near future... It would be cool to have some Rune Quest battles going on with miniatures, for I´ve never used minis before when Game Mastering Rune...