My painted miniatures over the years. Mostly Warhammer Fantasy Battle. Also Warhammer 40 000 and Blood Bowl. I also sometimes convert miniatures and try to create some scenery for the battle field.
9 Dec 2009
Lunars for Rune Quest
My purchase of the week... As I wrote earlier, I bought some Celtic warriors for my Rune Quest RPG, that I´m gonna paint as Orlathi and Humakti warriors...
Now I had to go and buy box of "Imperial Roman Auxiliaries", that are gonna take the role of Lunar Hoplites in my RPG campaign...
Our local Gaming shop had lots of Romans to choose from in the Warlord Games range... Like "Imperial Roman Legionaries" or "Imperial Roman Veterans" etc... But I chose the "Auxiliaries" for they have round shields... And I have this picture in my head, that Lunars use only round shields in Glorantha setting... (Hope you correct this if you have better knowledge :)) Have to do some research...
At first glance the minis look great..! Casting seems to be better than average quality... I´ll put them together and clean them up at some point to see what they´re really made of. But first I´m gonna paint the Barbarian "horde" before I get involved with the Lunars... I already have too many projects going on :D
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