I remember asking my friend about the color theme... What "spawning" should the lizard man belong to... Never got the answer (or I forgot it :)) So in a middle of a brain storm I decided to make it albino. What the hell, it´s a hero figure you know... it don´t have to fit to the rest of the army´s color theme. ( and it´s not my army :D)

At the time I started to paint the figure, I had just bought the latest issue of White Dwarf, that had very good battle report in it. It was Lizzies against Chaos set in a jungle environment. Forces of Chaos appeared to the jungle through some kind of portal (surprise) and filled it with slimy blobs and drooling deamons... Anyway... There was allso a unit of my favorite Daemonettes. Daemonettes are usually painted very pale, allmost... albino... Nice, that´s how I´m going to do it!

So the story goes... "In the frenzy of the battle, this Old Blood hero followed a unit of fleeing Daemonettes in to the portal... Some how, before the portal closed, the hero found he´s way back to the jungle... but he wasn´t the same anymore. Inside the portal he and he´s ride got mixed with the Daemonettes that they were fighting. So now he´s half deamon and half Lizard... And he´s now called as... the Ghost Blood..." Boooooo.... Hoooooooo ... Hooooooo (scary music)...

Hope he buys that story line. He might turn me in to kebab. He´s a chef, you know...
Back to the miniature itself... I only converted the hand weapon to look little more like great weapon. I used bitz from chaos marines and orcs for it. Rest of the figure is all original. Have to say, that this project took long time to finnish. I thought that the High Elf miniatures had lots of details in them... Not any more. I really feel sorry for all you Lizard Men players out there, who have to paint whole army of these reptiles...