Here´s a Rock Lobba for my dear WHFB Green skin army...
Still unpainted but lookin good. I used the
"Artillery of the Cursed Legion" boxed set for this one, cause I really love the model... It´s from a Russian game called "Ring of rule". Here´s a link if you want to check out the game...
The box contains like million pieces... but it´s worth to put some effort to it... You can also put together two spear chuckas from the bits. So you actually get three war machines in one box.
After a few glue filled hours I managed to get it together... then I just added some Orc stuff from my bits box. And ... tadaa.. There´s a very Orcy looking Rock Lobba.

For a final detail I made the rope from wire... Planning to make the crew for it in the near future... but there´s sooooo many projects going on, so well see when I´ll get to it :)