Suddenly, when I was reading old issue of White Dwarf, the Lord of the Rings sections "Warg Riders" made me remember that I have no Goblin Wolf Riders in my Orcs and Goblins army...
I really like the sculpting job on Wargs... so I decided to buy one box and see how my Night Goblins would ride them. (And they would ride... with a price of 22,50 Euros for six Wargs)

When I got home I noticed that my fear was unnecessary. After few minutes of repositioning of the Gobbos feet and arms it fitted on the Warg like a glove.

Then on the painting... This time I really decided to keep it fast. Black under coat for starters.
High lights on the Gobbos robe with mix of Enchanted blue and Black. Then new high light with previous mix and adding some white...
Gobbos leather clothing with Scorched Brown and high lights with Grave yard Earth. Another high lighting with previous mix, adding Bleached Bone...

Warg was painted with the same way as leather parts of the gobbo... except the face and feet were left black. Then the black parts were high lighted with Codex Grey and finally with Astronomican Grey.

In the shield I tried to get some pirate feeling... since it´s the theme of my Green Skin army :)

Hope you like it :)