Here´s one of the "old ones" that I have painted in the late 90´s or something. One of my favorite miniatures of all times... Still looks good beside the new Warhammer miniatures.
Can´t remember the sculptor anymore... bugger :( Looks alot like Aly Morrisons work...
( Please leave a comment if you know the sculptor )
At the time when Korhil was painted, it was my master piece :) Actually I still like the paint job and the miniarure it self had very cool posing, and looks powerful on the battle table :) I used the old "pimp the base" trick to make it look even bigger on the game table, by making stone and rubble beneath the feet. It always works... Tattoo on the shoulder is little bit of the limit if you follow the GW´s High Elf standard :), but I think it works on White Lion captain...
Important detail, I think, on this model is the inside of the cloak, that is painted with just a little bit of red... it gives it a nice nobel touch. I remember stealing that idea from older issue of White Dwarf :D

Lions nails (or claws) were painted black and highlited with red ( first gore, then blood I think). I remember being very happy with the result... The lions face looks little bit like carved out of stone, but it´s allright... Have to mention allso, that Korhil won the local painting competition at the time. "Wroarrr..!"
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