I have made some progress with my marines... Just one marine missing from full tactical squad :)
Now I finished painting the sergeant. It came out pretty nice I think... I refined little bit my "damaged armour" technique... Basically just made the high lighting more visible around the damages... that made the chipping look better. The head of the sergeant model is really cool. Half of it´s face is actually metal, and other eye is "cyber eye". It doesn´t show very well in these pics :(
This is probably my last post of the year 2009... My New Years promise could be, to finish the 5th company 2nd tactical sometime next year ;) I also have a time taking miniature project coming up at the start of the 2010, when my 3rd baby is born at start of the January if everything goes well... (hope I dont have to use too much green stuff on him...) So there´s going to be a little break on Blogging I´m afraid. But I´ll catch up as soon as possible, between the diaper changes :)
Happy New Year everybody!!!
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