I managed to get my hands on ten oldies Savage Orc Boar Boyz... with a nice price :) Correction... Two of them are plain Boar Boyz, and two are "SOBB" Shamans. So there´s gonna be some convershu´n clinic mayhem before I get the unit of ten ready. Shamans can be quite easily transferred to boyz, but the Boar Boyz need some cutting and green stuff to become savage...
I started painting this mini as a fast paint project... but soon realized that it was full of beautiful details that I had to give some attention.
The Orc skin tone is painted with four different layers of green, from dark to lighter tone...(always leaving the previous layer to show a bit from the edges) First a base coat of Orchide Shade, then other layer with Knarloc Green, third with Gretchin Green, and last layer with Gretchin and some Vallejo 332 yellow added to it. I like the result. It makes the Orc skin a bit yellowish, as they used to be at the 90´s :)
I just had to paint the leopard skin on the boss, for I´ve seen it done in some old White Dwarf (or somewhere), and it really made an exotic touch for the Orc. I also decided to paint the bracelet´s golden and few giant gems for the chief to make him look filthy rich... as he had some higher status in the gang :)
The symbol on the shield is not a Halloween pumpkin. It´s supposed to represent boars snout and jaws... but I screwed it up! :D
Oh... and the cool stones on the background are just stones... that I collected from the beach last summer, when we went to Greek.