6 Nov 2010

Captin Morg´n finished

Finally... I had inspiration and energy to attach the banner to dear capitains gentle hand... and paint it. The paint job on the banner was pretty fast. (One night project to attach and paint)... I wanted to keep the banners "art" really simple... (as an Orc artist would :) But still it had to have the Piraty feeling on it, without the usual boring skull theme. So I decided to leave the good old skull away, and use simply the crossed bones.  
 I like the paint job on the banner, but still have second thoughts about the symbol... Is it piraty enough..?! 

All together... I´m very happy about overall result. It was my biggest single miniproject ever... The Orc is totally kit bashed. Axe-hand from Black Orcs, banner hand from Arrer boyz, torso and legs from Orc Champ, head from 40K Orc... And the "Wyvern" is actually a Dragon taken from Malekith, the Witch King of Naggaroth box.   

 So after all that cutting, gluing, green stuffing and painting, I´m very relieved to get it off my hands :) Now I´m just waiting to see Capitain in action... on the battle field. And hoping he´s not gonna get a cannon ball on his head in the first round of the game.


  1. I didn't realize you were from Finland ... I'm an American but my heritage is mostly finish (we American's tend to blended ... so I have German ancestry as well). At any rate Hell Dorado should be available in Europe right now the company that produces it is French I believe. So you might have more luck getting ahold of it sooner :)

  2. Kivan näköinen kokonaisuus. Kitbashausta parhaimmillaan. Pidän maalaustyylistäsi. Se on ehkä jopa vähän sarjakuvamainenkin.

    Pieni pilkunviilaus tulee mieleen tuosta lipusta ja örkin pään tupsusta. Lippu näyttäisi olevan kovassakin tuulen puhurissa kun taas tupsu vain heiluu hieman. Tietysti voimme ajatella hairy squigin mahdollisen oman tahdon mukaan soppaan. Ehkäpä se ei suostu menemään täysin tuulen mukaan tai pyristelee vastaan? Örkeillähän ei tietääkseni ole omaa tukkaa lainkaan vaan nuo päissä esiintyvät tupsut ovat squigeja jotka imevät verta örkkien päistä ja örkit koristelevat kaljut päälaet niillä mielellään. (Ainakin näin 40k fluffissa, FB:stä en tiedä.)

  3. Lord of Excess:
    Interresting heritage you have. Nice to hear youre almost Finn :)
    I also have relatives in Northern America and Canada... For my grandpa´s brothers moved there after the war (WW2, and the shoot out with Russia). Their families and new generations sill live there...
    Thanks for the Hell Dorado news! I will check it out :)

    Kardinaali: Kiitos kommentista. Tupsun ja lipun hulmutus ei tosiaan ole balanssissa... Mutta taidan joutua elämään sen kanssa :) En tiennytkään tuosta Squig tupeesta mitään. Sillä storylainilla saakin paikattua tuon pienen tuulen voimakkuuksien eroavaisuudet kätevästi. Kiitos :)
