16 Nov 2011

How to make a Cyborg... part 2

Hello! Another posting about "What´s going on at my work place"... Earlier I wrote about the Sci-fi themed theater play at our City Theatre (Where I work as a metal and wood artesan), that I was making scenery for. One scenery piece was this Cyborg. I haven´t found the time to take any pics of it before this, and these pics suck ass, for the lighting was poor in the scenery storage. I finished the paint job for the Premier over month ago :). It´s basically a human sized Cyborg marionette, made out of metal. If you like to see how I made it, just click here for the earlier posting... On with the pics!

That flashy thing in the chest is a light bulb, that flashes in the same rythm the cyborg speaks :) (It doesn´t actually speak.  It´s a playback...Ok?!  If I could make it speak, I´d work at NASA :D

Close up of the legs... I personally like the toe nails. They´re funny looking :)

In the background you can see tables made out of old TV-screens. The screens are turned upward, and they actually turn on during the play, showing only snow screen... I liked that "effect" when I went to see the show.

So, these were the only pics that were even little bit decent... sorry. But we have next show on thursday, so I try to sneek up to the stage and take some better pics. I´ll get back with this if I get some shots done :) Bye now!


  1. Fantastic! I should put some of my theatre pics up.

  2. You do that! I´d love to see them :)
