Hello there! Just a quick update with my dungeon project... Here's some square blocks that I tried out.
Here's the idea... with these blocks I can give different shapes to rooms or use them in other ways.
Here we go... as with the "wall blocks", these were made from 18mm plywood. They were cut to 45mm x 45mm size. Then a thin piece of foam board was hotglued on top. I made some stone pattern on the foam with a pencil, then cut along the lines with carpet knife.
Here's the painted and "stamped" blocks ready for action...
I tried it out with a dungeon board. Room looks much more interresting with a little different shape. On the inner corner pieces could be some torches or lanterns... Have to make some now :)
Here's a wine cellar...
And with a little different props and minis... turned into a crypt.
Here the blocks are used as pillars in middle of the room... Ok there you have it. More to come soon :) Bye now..!