29 Nov 2015

2,5D Dungeon: Basic set Done!

Hello there! In my little moment of precious hobby time,  I managed to finish my first set of Dungeon Blocks. Here's some pics...

Five floor sections, and 31 wall blocks... I have five more floors coming up, and also some curvy walls, hopefully soon.

Here's an fast example of the dungeon tiles in action...

Different angles and some props...

There you have it... More to come soon. Bye now!

8 Nov 2015

2,5D Dungeon: Square Blocks

Hello there! Just a quick update with my dungeon project... Here's some square blocks that I tried out.

Here's the idea... with these blocks I can give different shapes to rooms or use them in other ways.

Here we go... as with the "wall blocks", these were made from 18mm plywood. They were cut to 45mm x 45mm size. Then a thin piece of foam board was hotglued on top. I made some stone pattern on the foam with a pencil, then cut along the lines with carpet knife.

Here's the painted and "stamped" blocks ready for action...

I tried it out with a dungeon board. Room looks much more interresting with a little different shape. On the inner corner pieces could be some torches or lanterns... Have to make some now :)

Here's a wine cellar...

And with a little different props and minis... turned into a crypt.

Here the blocks are used as pillars in middle of the room... Ok there you have it. More to come soon :) Bye now..!

5 Nov 2015

2,5D Dungeon: The Walls

Hello! I found some time to craft "easy to make" walls for my Dungeon project. Here's how it went...

First I cut some pieces of plywood at my workplace... Three different lengths at first. If these turn out good, I'll be doing all kinds of wall bitz :) This is 18mm plywood cutted in 20mm wide slices.

Here's the idea where I'm aming at with finished and painted wall sections...

This is made with band sawing machine... at my workpalce again. Thin slice of insulation foam board. Kapa-board might work as well.

Here's a bad picture of the foam board sculpted as stone pattern... and attached to the plywood with some hotglue.

Next I primed the wall section with dark gray acryl mix. And carved a stamp with a carpet knife, for making tile pattern to the side of the wall... The same foam material used here.

Wall section painted from the top and stamped to all four sides... nice and fast.

I apply different tones of gray and browns to the stamp with a sponge, and press it on the wall. That's all...

Here's the first set of walls. Quite nice... And most important, did'nt take long to finish.

Here's some testing with the Dungeon Floor bitz.

Added some props and minis... A cell with goblin guardians.

A Wizards study... I think the blocks work out Ok, and I'm going to make some more now. I'll be back with these soon I hope. Bye now!

1 Nov 2015

Dungeon Floor Stamp: Getting a hang of it...

Ok... I was kindly adviced in my last postings comment, to make a jig out of Lego blocks. And so I did. I remember using them earlier in my "Red Baron Inn" assembly, but allready forgotten the genius of Lego :) So I got back to stamping...

Wit a corner piece jig, I managed to make the Dungeon floor go in a nice line... Then I jus stamped, stamped and stamped some more...

untill I got four new boards ready, and my stamp started to need some cleaning. At this point Im very happy with the results... These four boards came out very fast, maybe in some half an hour.

And here they are with some of my old wall pieces and props. Looking very Dungeon like allready... Next I'm gonna try out making some 2,5D Dungeon walls... Ispired by DM Scotty as well. Bye now!